Friday, January 29, 2010

Say "No" to Prescriptions and Say "Yes" to Massage

There are many reasons why people get massages. Some people do it so they can relax, others have sore tight muscles they need released; however, are you aware of all the potential benefits of a massage? Probably not.

There are so many different fields of massage. I choose to go to a school that does different types of modalities so when you are done you are considered a Wholisitic Practitioner. I am trained in acupressure, reflexology, psychosomatic, and aromatherapy. Through all this training I can treat a variety of illness that you would otherwise go to a doctor for and get a prescription. It is better to let the body heal and release the energy, good or bad, than to ignore it by using drugs that mask the symptoms.

In our society we look at mental illness, for instance, as a negative thing. I look at depression as communication from your brain. It is a connection between our thoughts that become our emotions that are translated through out the body. When a person becomes depressed there is more physically wrong with the person than "feeling sad". A person may have digestive issues, headaches, lethargy, a lack of desire, decreased or increased appetite, etc. The point is, it is a message that our brain is sending to the rest of our body to become aware. To look inside ourselves. Instead of taking some magical pill that will mask your problems, we should be looking deeper into our past, present, even our future. What is causing this disturbance in my body?

When we start to question the reason why our bodies hurt is when real healing can begin. Different emotions are stored in different areas of our bodies. I am trained to determine which emotions are stored where and how to decipher the meaning. I can massage your body and make it feel better for the time being but to really heal means you have to come in touch with these emotion. You have to release that emotion. This can happen in different ways. Some people cry, some people laugh, it is different for different emotions and for different people. So the next time you have an upset stomach, anxiety, pain in your body realize that your brain is trying to communicate something. Instead of going to your doctor so he can tell you to just take this and you'll feel better; contact your local health providers that will help you heal your emotions so you are not dependent on a prescription for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to Heal Your Back

We have all had back pain sometime in our lives. It might have been from lifting something improperly or from sleeping wrong. We may have every excuse in the world why our back hurts but never really know the true meaning.

To simplify things I have broken the back into three different areas. Upper, mid and lower back. The upper back is similar to the shoulders so some information will be repeated.

We'll start with the lower back. When you have pain in your lower back it could be related to feeling insecure about your financial position. You may be worrying about making ends meet. Unresolved feelings of your childhood could be causing the pain. You may be focused on why you can't do thing instead of why you can. All of these things or one of these things may be holding you back from living a pain free existance.

The mid back is related to the past. You may be stuck in the past or holding onto old resentments. You may be overly sensitive to other people's beliefs, thoughts, judgements, or criticism. The pain could be caused by focusing on what is wrong instead of what is right. You may be limiting yourself by not forgiving yourself or others for past mistakes.

The upper back is related to stress. Feeling like you are holding the weight of the world on your shoulders. You may be overwhelmed by the things that you have to do. Frequent worry, fear, negativity, perfectionism, limiting yourself. You may feel unsupported by life and the people around you.

A remedy to this pain is found in The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal. She says to tighten your back and release it. Do this eight to ten times. Become aware of which part of your body is holding onto this dense energy. Focus on taking slow deep breaths in and out and releasing all tension and stress. Become aware of any heavy load that you may carry.

Tune into your back and become aware of any baggage you may carry. Allow yourself to release all baggage into a purple flame of light. Tune in and become aware of any knives in your back if anyone has every stabbed you in the back. Ask the Divine Healing Intelligence to release these knives.

Ask "Devine Healing Intelligence, I ask you to resolve all the worry, emotional and mental baggage I carry, struggle, suffering, conflict, and victimhood from my back, as well as all points of view, positive and negative charged, and all patterns that contribute to this condition. Repeat the word CLEAR until you hear feel a shift."

Imagine a beautiful gold light moving through your back and releasing all density and tension. When the tension is released imagine yourself surrounded by a green light which supports your back and your nervous system.

Say "Divine Healing Intelligence, please install feelings and experiences of support, confidence, self belief, trust, freedom, abundance and success. Thank you."

Say "Divine Healing Intelligence, please heal and regenerate my back and all related organs to their maximum strength, vitality and flexibility, thank you.:

These wise words from such a magnificent healer. The power of words and thoughts can transcend through the body and become reality. We only have to think it to feel it to become it. We have the power to heal ourselves. The next time you have pain in your body do not become a victim of it. Find out why you have it and ask the Divine Healing Intelligence to release that pain and to welcome confidence, trust, and self belief. You have the power now go use it.