Monday, November 30, 2009

Why do my shoulders hurt all the time?

As a massage therapist I encounter many people who complain of shoulder pain. Often their shoulders are hunched forward, they have a neck shortened, and they have inflammation. Sure a couple of advils will take the inflammation away and the person will feel better but it doesn't solve the problem. To get rid of the pain you have to understand where the pain is coming from.

Our bodies are an amazing mechanism that give us small clues into what is going on in our life. When we feel pain it tells our brain that something is wrong. When we can't explain the pain, we wonder why do I hurt so much? Well if you know what to look for you can figure it out.

If any of you are familiar with acupressure the small intestine meridian starts on the lateral side of the pinky finger and ends in front of the ear as it travels up your arm onto your scapula, and up your neck. The small intestine meridian relates to joy in your life. From this information we can determine that when you are not experiencing enough joy in your life; therefore, you may have pain in our shoulders, neck, forearm, jaw or all of them.

Well that's great, is probably what you're thinking but what can I do to heal my body? That is a great question. There are many things you can do. Getting a massage and relaxing for an hour is a great way to get away from what ever is taking your joy away. Watching a funny movie. Laugh, laugh, laugh.

Other ways are to take a relaxing bath and drop some healing essential oils in the water. Oils that I recommend for use are chamomile, lavender, grapefruit, rose, basil, bergamont, majoram, geranium, rosemary, lemon, orange, mandarin, thyme, yarrow, juniper, pepermint, pine, rosewood, geranium. A favorite of mine is 15 drops of Basil, 10 drops Chamomile, and 10 drops of lavender (put the drops in the bath before you get in and mix the water).

Another way is using the healing energy of colour. For this I would recommend the healing energy of yellow. Yellow helps with letting go of negative patterns, it brings happiness, self renewal, optimism, laughter, and inner strength into your life. Take in yellow through sunlight, flowers, and food. While meditating you can also imagine a yellow light falling on your shoulders and healing them. With every inhale you can imagine the yellow light bringing in feelings of joy and laughter and with every exhale imagine all the negative feelings of insecurity and pain leaving your body.

Remember that you are in control of your own life and you have the ability to change it. Do not become a victim. Don't live your life expecting it to get better in the future or living in the past. LIVE FOR RIGHT NOW! Right now you have the ability to heal and to change yourself. May you bring joy and happiness to yourself and others. Namesta.

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