Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Attracting Good Things Into our Lives

I have often wondered why bad things happen in three. It seems that when things are going bad they are often going really bad. This reminds me of an ancient Chinese proverb I read today: "Fortune and disaster do not come through gates, but man himself invites their arrival." What we think and what we feel become reality. We open the flood gates of disaster into our lives.

When we think about everything that is wrong with our lives that is all we see. When I talk to single people about what they want in a partner I am often confounded with words of what they don't want. When I hear those words I think that is exactly what you are going to get. What you don't want instead of what you do want.

So the next time you want something to change in your life think about what you want and be grateful for the things you have. Everyday take an inventory of everything you have. I am not talking about material possessions that our western society is so obsessed with, I am talking about relationships that you value, people you care about, changes in the world that you see and are proud of.

I am grateful for all the love and support I have from friends and family. At one point in my life I took everyone for granted. I became excluded from everyone for fear they would hurt me. One day I woke up and realized that I didn't have any friends and my family was giving up on me. It took years to grow great friendships and to repair the trust in my family. Today I am grateful for every moment I spend with my family, every word of encouragement from my friends and love I feel all around me everyday.

If you find it difficult to feel grateful for life you may be lost in hopelessness. That is not a healthy place to be but you can set yourself free. Imagine a orange-red sword running through your body cutting all the hopelessness you feel. Let your warrior arch-type free you from any burdens you may feel. Allow new insights, wisdom, and opportunities to come forth as you slash yourself free. Orange is a colour that inspires courage and determination. Red inspires enthusiasm, passion, and unlimited energy.

Don't let the flood gates of diaster open. Free your mind of negative thoughts. Be grateful for who you are and what you have. Above all love yourself.

Tomorrow: Laughter, the Best Medicine

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