Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Laughter, the Best Medicine

When people are diagnosed with cancer, usually the first treatment is surgery followed by chemo or radiation therapy. I do not understand why a treatment that kills you slowly would be effective. The treatment leaves you weak and prone to other illnesses as it kills your immunity. Your immunity is what keeps you alive. It protects you from the smallest virus to bacteria and other parasites. Why kill what protects you.

Norman Cousins did years of research on cancer patients. For twelve weeks, his patients would laugh for a half hour of deep belly. Were not talking about a little chuckle we are talking rolling around, can't breath laughing. Research has shown that this type of treatment increase natural killer cells. These NK cells would attack cancer cells by injecting them with a protein that causes them to die thus making your body healthy again.

So if you or someone you know is diagnosed with cancer watch funny movies, go to comedy clubs, spend time with friends and family, and laugh, laugh, laugh. Let go of the feelings of trying to please others and yourself. Enjoy life. Let go of the past. Live for right now because that is all we have. Stop attacking yourself and letting feelings of guilt, grief, or uncertainty eat away at you.

The colour of the day is orange. It increases immunity. Imagine an orange ball of healing light on the place in your body that has cancer. If it is everywhere imagine your body in a protective bubble of orange that flows in positive energy and takes negative black energy away. Surround yourself with more orange things. Eat orange food, wear orange clothes, paint a wall in your house orange.

Essential oils I recommend for cancer are clove, lemongrass, frankincense, oregano, thyme. Frankincense and Lemongrass are suppose to target cancer cells and induce their death. Thyme and oregano protect our DNA from damage to prevent cancer or to slow the rate that cancer is evolving in our bodies.

When life gets you down, laugh about it, and then laugh some more. Then when you don't think you can laugh anymore because you can't breath, you should keep on laughing. Laugh yourself to good health.

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